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Mason Youth Organization

Mason Youth Organization

Board Meetings


MYO is an all volunteer organization and we rely on people in the community to donate their time to help out.  If you are interested in working with the MYO Board to improve the organization, please consider attending our monthly meetings and share your ideas.

MYO Meetings are being held on the following dates for 2025 at the Snyder House at Cottell Park.

Sunday January 12 @ 7:00
Sunday February 9 @ 7:00 
Sunday March 9 @ 7:00 

MLL (Boys Baseball) Meetings are held prior to the MYO meeting on the dates above at 6:00 PM

Challenger Meetings AND Aftershock meeting dates are on the MYO Website


With the exception of the paid umpires, MYO is an all volunteer organization.  If you would like to get involved in MYO, please attend a meeting or contact one of the board members.

Contact Info

MYO Contact Info

Mason Youth Organization
PO Box 441
Mason, OH 45040

Rainout Number: (513) 588-0177

MYO Board Members

MYO BOARD (click on link to send email)

President - Mike Elegeer

Vice President -Keith Ruston

Treasurer - Brian Masterson

Secretary - Mike Mumma

Baseball Commissioner -  Anthony Rose

Softball Commissioner - Seth Morris

Aftershock Commissioner - Mike Elegeer

Challenger Commissioner - Jennifer Christmas

MYO COORDINATORS (click on link to send email)

Equipment - Mike Mumma

IT - Keith Ruston

Photography - TBD

Sponsors -Bob Mumma

Trophies - Chris Macke

Uniforms - Chris Macke, Demetrice McClurkin

Field Scheduling-Girls - Seth Morris

Field Scheduling-Boys - Mike Elegeer

Field Prep & Maintenance - Mike Mumma

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding MYO please email us using the links

Mason Little League Board


Little League President -  Anthony Rose

Vice President of Operations - Mike Mumma

Commissioner of 4T-6u - Nick Rave

Commissioner of 8u - Keith Ruston

Commissioner of 10u -Pete Engel

Commissioner of 12u - Demetrice McClurkin

Commissioner of Intermediate, Jr & Sr -James White

Player Agent & Parent Rep -Open

Rules Commissioner -  James White

LL Safety Officer -  James White

LL Training -Open

Mason Youth Softball Board


President - Seth Morris

Vice President - Jack Brown

Secretary - Pete Engel

Director 6u, 8u - Rob Polca

Director 10u, 12u, 14u - Nicole Beilharz

Director Sponsors, Uniforms, and Awards - Jodie Andrews

Director Training -William Varney

Social Media and Marketing - Bailey Hollaender

Meteors Commissioner - Jack Brown

Player Agent and Parent Rep - Nate Argento

Member At-Large - Russ Hageman

NCSL President - Seth Morris

MHS Boosters Liaison - Rob Polca

Mason Aftershock Board


President - Mike Elegeer

Vice President -TBD

Baseball Coordinator - Open

Training Coordinator -Dan Branco

Mason Challenger League Board

President - Jen Christmas

Vice President - Ally Joseph

Secretary - Mike Weeks

Director of Challenger Teams - Steve Kelly

Director of Baseball Buddies and Adopt-A-Game - Jodi & Ron Brandstetter

Challenger Sponsor Coordinator - Brad Heter

Clinic Coordinator - Pam Willcox

Director of Marketing and Public Relations - Jen Kidder

Minor Teams Coordinator - Open

Major Teams Coordinator - Dawn Machenheimer

Senior Team Coordinator - Pete White

Special Event Coordinator - Kasey Young

Player Advocate Advisor - Greg Miller

Highschool Buddy Leadership Team - Erin Calinger and Lily Droege


Mason Youth Organization
PO Box 441 
Mason, Ohio 45040

Email: [email protected]

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